A real airplane simulator Meet the flight simulator of the next generation Take off fly to. World Bus Driving Simulator 1,291 10.000.000++ Airline Commander: Flight Game. But if you yearn to fly and don't have the time or money to get a pilot's license, Airline Commander might be the next best choice. Download the Airline Commander: Flight Game App, now available in version 1.60, for your iOS iPhone, iPad, or Android device for free at WorldsApps. Ship Sim 2019 APK - Download for Android Browse apps Books. Toss in some of the in-flight emergencies, and you'll have to try to stay as calm as possible as your flight starts to fall apart. The biggest issue that you may run into is that the difficulty ramps up pretty high further in the game, giving you a lot of things to juggle quickly to keep your planes in the air. It's a flight simulator for modern players who might not have long periods to play. By breaking a flight simulator into a series of challenges (e.g., successfully taxi to your runway and follow the right flight plan for a certain distance), the app makes the gameplay accessible.

Want to advance to jumbo jets (and their complicated controls)? That's possible too. Want to stick to small-engine planes? You can. Airline Commander is one of those rare games that appeals to people of all levels of expertise.

Take off, fly to the airport in the city nearby & land. Description Meet the flight simulator of the next generation. Flight simulators aren't for everyone, but this is about as all-inclusive as these games get. You can download the game Airline Commander: Flight Game from Apple Official App Store.